WRA Project Funding Confirmed For Te Awa River Ride Ngaruawahia South Project
The Waikato River Authority has confirmed funding for the first joint initiative between Waikato RiverCare and the Te Awa River Ride Trust. Both organisations are excited to be working together and developing this opportunity. Both Waikato Rivercare and Te Awa River Ride Trust have well established project track records and strong community, iwi and corporate support.
Te Awa River Ride Trust is constructing the Great New Zealand River Ride, which, once complete, will travel 70 kms along the Waikato River, from Ngaruawahia in the north to Horahora, south of Cambridge. The newest section, between Hamilton and Horotiu, opens December 14th 2013.
Waikato RiverCare’s project starts at the northern boundary of Ngaruawahia Golf Club and ends at the car park on Waikato Esplanade Rd.
This project will restore riparian ecosystems along the 1400m of riverbank adjoining the 3m wide cycle track.
Both Waikato RiverCare’s and Te Awa River Ride Trust share similar aims with this project, in their intention to restore and protect the Waikato River. The project aims to contribute to improvements in river health and wellbeing, improve public access and recreation opportunities and develop capacity for future restoration work and on-going site maintenance.
Preparation of the first section of track between Ngaruawahia Esplanade and Croall Crescent is expected to start in February 2014 with completion expected be in June 2014. Waikato RiverCare expects to be in the position to start pre-planting preparation in this 500m section in November 2014, with project planting expected in early September 2015.