Hakarimata A Extension on the Final Stretch
Waikato RiverCare has just completed the last key milestone on the Hakarimata A Extension project. Barakat Contractors have done a great job constructing a 7-wire batten fence to exclude stock from the planting project. This project would not have been possible without support from the Department of Conservation who came on board with funding for surveying and fence construction.

The fencing comes at an important time for the project with the last scheduled planting of 742 trees funded by WCEET completed in August 2015. With successful weed releasing undertaken by Plant Talk Ltd last month, the new plantings are thriving alongside the initial 2,200 trees planted in 2014.
The Hakarimata A extension project was not just a main stem riparian planting but included the planting of a significant catchment stream along its northern boundary. This stream provides an excellent cold water source for fish in the summer months and additional habitat for native fish in the Hakarimata Scenic Reserve.

This project can be viewed by members of the public traveling on Hakarimata Rd just 500m from Ngaruawahia Township.
Waikato RiverCare Inc. would like to acknowledge the financial support received from the Waikato Catchment Ecological Enhancement Trust who made this wonderful project possible.