Wai O Te Atua Stream—Year One Progressing Well
This is the first year of a five-year project on the Wai O Te Atua Stream (located south of Huntly) funded by the Waikato River Authority and Waikato Catchment Ecological Enhancement Trust.
This month, our fencing contractor completed 778 metres of new seven wire batten fencing across four properties adjoining the Wai O Te Atua Stream project. Another land owner, on the opposite bank, provided in-kind project support by supplying 157m of new fencing on his property. This brings a total of 935m of new fencing and stock exclusion for the Wai O Te Atua Stream that wasn’t there 12 months ago!

The Waikato Regional Council’s native fish experts (Bruno and Josh) have been undertaking pre-works fish sampling to provide us with a snap shot of what’s in the stream and a reference point for our projects impact on this locally significant native fishery. Watch them in action.
RiverCare’s project aims to exclude stock and improve stream health and habitat with plantings along the stream which, in years to come, should mean more native fish.
Over the coming twelve months, Waikato RiverCare will focus on weed control and more fencing prior to planting in July 2021.