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2021 Notice of Agrichemical Application

Waikato RiverCare Inc. riparian projects adjacent to the Waikato River, Wai O Te Atua Stream, Tuhikaramea Stream, Te Onetea Stream, Mangauika Stream, Mangapiko Stream, Opuatia Stream, Lake Whangape, Lake Areare and Lake Waikare WMR

Waikato RiverCare Inc. advises that herbicide spraying of alligator weed, yellow flag iris and other Regional Pest Management Plan pest plants inclusive of restoration weeds Tradescantia fluminensis, Hypericum androsaemum, Convolvulus arvensis, Pennisetum clandestinum, Solanum pseudocapsicum, Cortaderia selloana may be carried out over a seven-month period from October 2021 at the following locations:

•Waikato River margins between Taupiri Village and Meremere Village

•Lake Areare ER

•Lake Waikare WMR

•Lake Whangape WMR

•Lake Ohinewai RR

•Te Onetea Stream margins

•Opuatia Stream margins

•Wai O Te Atua Stream margins

•Tuhikaramea Stream margins

•Mangapiko Stream margins

•Mangauika Stream margins

•Mangatoketoke Stream margins

Spraying is weather dependent with project application occurring over several days.

The herbicides to be used include metsulfuron-methyl (such as Escort or equivalent), triclopyr (such as Grazon or equivalent), haloxyfop-P (Crest 520), and glyphosate (Nufarm Weedmaster G360 or equivalent).

Herbicides will be applied using either 4x4 vehicle mounted with spray equipment or on foot with knapsack.

Spraying will be carried out during daylight hours on any day of the week except public holidays.

For more project specific information, please call Waikato RiverCare Inc.’s operations manager, Kevin Hutchinson, on 027 601 6446 or email us at


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