Trialling Gallagher’s Fencing on Flood Prone Areas of the Wai o Te Atua Stream Project
Over the last 6 months, RiverCare has been busy working with industry partners, contractors and landowners to complete this projects first significant milestone—over 3,000 metres of fencing. This fence is key to protecting the streams long-term health as it excludes stock from the site and will provide a buffer zone for planting between the fence and stream.

Areas within the Wai o Te Atua stream project are prone to seasonal flooding, so RiverCare needed to take a new approach on the type of fence to construct in the catchment.
RiverCare have teamed up with an innovative Hamilton company, Gallagher, to trial their insulated line post system, which is based around a flexible fibreglass/plastic post that is light weight and corrosion resistant.
The strong, yet flexible, solid fibreglass core enables the post to flex when food waters pass through the fence preventing broken or bent posts. This system allows the farmer to quickly re-establish fences by simply shaking debris off the wire following a flood event, without the need to use heavy machinery to resurrect the fence.

During January and February, Barakat Contractors fencing team did a fantastic job constructing over 3,000 metres of fencing: a mix of traditional seven wire batten fence and Gallagher’s six wire insulated line post fence.
Over the next couple of months RiverCare will complete weed control actions in preparation for planting in June/July.
This 5-year project is made possible by our key supporters and funders, Waikato Catchment Ecological Enhancement Trust and the Waikato River Authority.
